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BIP: Informações

Os BIP (Blended Intensive Programmes) são cursos breves que combinam uma formação virtual e uma mobilidade internacional, tipicamente com a duração de 5 dias. 

Vais aprender sobre temas atuais e transversais, de forma prática e interativa, com um grupo de estudantes de pelo menos 4 países!

Os participantes recebem uma bolsa de 79€ por cada dia de mobilidade, existindo apoios extra para estudantes bolseiros da DGES.


Università degli studi di Bergamo | Itália

Componente online: 26 de fevereiro, 12 e 26 de março

Mobilidade física: 14 a 18 de abril de 2025

The BIP will address basic concepts, models, criteria and indicators for promoting inclusion and participation of the persons with disabilities in the living environments (built, digital and natural), with a particular focus on the theme of accessibility and universal design.

Furthermore, it will develop a broad-spectrum knowledge of the technologies (mainstream and assistive) to support social inclusion in relation to the different types of disabilities.

Finally, the course aims at promoting in participants preliminary skills in analysing existing situations and designing environments and solutions from an inclusive and participatory perspective.

Candidaturas: Enviar a ficha de inscrição para gri@ipcb.pt.

University of Rijeka - Faculty of Health Studies | Croatia

Componente online: A divulgar brevemente...

Mobilidade física: 2 a 6 de junho de 2025

International Weeks: Informações

As International Weeks são oportunidades de mobilidade que têm como destinatários  docentes e não docentes, incluindo normalmente um conjunto de atividades de natureza cultural e científica, estruturadas num programa previamente definido. 

A inscrição é efetuada antecipadamente, de acordo com as especificações de cada parceiro. 

International Weeks

University of Rijeka - Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management  | Croácia

12 a 16 de maio de 2025

The event promises a vibrant mix of cultural exploration, professional networking and skill-building activities, offering the chance to engage with international peers.

Application deadline: November 15, 2024
Participation fee: 125 €
Application form: https://forms.gle/nePqjLY4nBDwrrUA7

Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca | Espanha

7 a 11 de abril de 2025

The international week is open to academic staff and administrative staff from all university services.

Academic staff from the following areas can apply: Health Sciences (Nursing, Speech Therapy, Physiotherapy, Nutrition), Social Psychology/ Psychology of work, Marketing (Branding, Sales and commercial management, Commercial Research, Operations Management, Commercial law for unfair competition and industrial property matters), Advertising and public relations (Advertising and public relations strategies, Interaction design, Visual identity, Law for degrees in journalism, advertising and audio-visual communication), Education, Sport Sciences, Computer Sciences, Business Administration, Theology, Canon Law.

Academic staff will have the opportunity to teach UPSA students and to connect with international teachers from the same research area. Administrative staff will have the opportunity to do a job shadowing and to exchange best practices in an international context. 

Consulte aqui o programa preliminar...

Application deadline: January 6, 2025

Efetue aqui a sua candidatura...