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Rede Politécnica A23

Investimento RE-C06-i03 - Incentivo Adultos
Investimento RE-C06-i04 - Impulso Jovens STEAM

Mais informação

Rede politécnica A23 (RP A23) - Competências Digitais

RumiRes (PRR-C05-i03-I-000190)

68 | OESTEFRUTA4.0 | Agenda Mobilizadora para Fruticultura na Região Oeste

REVUP | Recursos e Ambientes Colaborativos de Aprendizagem
INNOV2CARE – Inovar para Cuidar

EuroAGE + - Red Internacional de Investigación, Innovación y Transferencia de Tecnologías para la promoción del envejecimiento activo (0124_EUROAGE_MAS_4_E)


Landscape Together (LT) - project 101100065 - General information


Demonstration and mainstrEaming of nature-based Solutions for clImate Resilient transformation in the MEDiterranean - project 101112972 - General information


 Developing Skills and Capabilities for Innovative Air Mobility (AIRMOB) -project 101194074-General information

SHUTTLE - “Sharing Future Learning Environments in Higher Education and Lifelong Learning” (2024-1-PL01-KA220-HED-000256359)

SHOP4CF - Smart Human Oriented Platform for Connected Factories